mardi, septembre 04, 2007


Voici mon superhéro en bobette:) On essaie toute sorte de chose pour le motiver à aller sur la toilette...comme des petites culottes du film Cars.

3 commentaires:

Bibi a dit...

Crampant ! hi!hi!
Le training a l'air d'aller bien...

Angie a dit...

hey mar...glad you checked my's been so long since i've updated. how are you? how much longer? when are you coming to visit me? ;) we should chat the pic of your little superhero. i instantly thought of you and alex racing around the nbbi gym with capes...guess it's in the genes! ;) have a great, angxo

Anonyme a dit...

I really like that picture!!! I can imagine him running around not wanting to go poo and making that face!